3 Keys To Project Success

[4 Minute Read]

When navigating the vast ocean of project management, how often have we hoped for the stars to align just right to grant us that elusive success?

While we can't control the constellations, there are distinct strategies we can harness to shape our project outcomes.

Most attribute project success to favorable winds: a perfect market, a supportive client, or perhaps serendipity.

However, these external elements, as influential as they might be, are not the be-all and end-all.

Delve deeper, and you'll find three critical pillars within your control that can elevate your project game.

3 Keys To Project Success

  1. Mastery of the Basics

This comes from understanding the fundamental principles of project management and rigorously adhering to them without shortcuts.

Example: A project leader who ensures every phase, from initiation to closure, is meticulously planned and executed.


  • Dedicate time to comprehensive research before embarking on any project.

  • Constantly update your toolkit. Don't rely solely on outdated tools.

  • Regularly schedule progress check-ins to ensure everything is on track.

I once consulted on a project that was saved from failure simply because the leader prioritized thorough documentation. (I've detailed this experience in a Project Management Journal last year.)

  1. Open Communication and Collaboration

When there’s clear communication, risks are identified early, stakeholder feedback is integrated, and the team works harmoniously.

Example: A team where every member, regardless of their position, feels empowered to voice their concerns, resulting in a project that exceeds client expectations.


  • Encourage team members to speak up and value their input.

  • Be adaptable and receptive to project scope changes.

  • Understand and address team dynamics to foster better collaboration.

I've seen numerous projects go south simply because leaders ignored the human element. There's an in-depth case study I analyzed in a recent publication that perfectly exemplifies this.

  1. Adaptive Leadership

Being able to adapt and pivot is a mark of a great project leader. They don’t fear change; they embrace it, knowing it's an avenue for growth.

Example: A project was about to be derailed due to unexpected external factors, but the leader swiftly re-evaluated and adapted the strategy, leading to an even more successful outcome.


  • Foster a culture that sees every challenge as an opportunity for growth.

  • Regularly evaluate risks and be prepared to tackle them.

  • Ensure post-project evaluations are conducted to glean lessons for future projects.

Why It Matters

If you aim for consistent project success, recognize:

Effective project leadership goes beyond ticking off tasks. It encompasses:

  • Grasping core principles thoroughly.

  • Prioritizing clear communication and teamwork.

  • Being flexible and agile in your approach.

Always keep in mind: that each project presents a learning opportunity. Take it to heart, grow from it, and boost your success trajectory.

Until next week,


P.S. When you are ready, there are 3 ways that I can help you: