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5 Communication Mistakes To Avoid As a Project Leader

Read Time: 3 minutes

Effective communication is crucial in leadership, yet many leaders fall prey to common pitfalls.

Statistics show that only 40% of leaders practice active listening, and a staggering 75% of conversations fail due to inadequate summarization or understanding.

Furthermore, leaders often overwhelm their teams with excessive information, where ideally, only three key points should be communicated in each interaction.

Addressing these mistakes is essential for fostering a positive and productive work environment.

5 Communication Mistakes To Avoid As a Leader

  1. Not Listening Actively:

    Allocate at least 60% of conversation time to listening rather than speaking. Practice active listening in every interaction, aiming to repeat or summarize the other person's point to ensure understanding in at least 75% of conversations.

  1. Overloading with Information:

    Limit the key points in any communication to a maximum of three. For presentations or meetings, aim for a 70-30 split: 70% clear information delivery, 30% interaction and clarification.

  1. Neglecting Non-Verbal Communication:

    In face-to-face interactions, focus 70% of your attention on the speaker's non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions. Practice and receive feedback on your non-verbal communication in at least two different settings monthly (e.g., a team meeting and a one-on-one).

  1. Failing to Tailor the Message:

    Before communicating, spend 10 minutes assessing the audience's needs and background to tailor your message. Aim to adapt your communication style to your audience in 80% of your interactions, considering factors like team members' experience levels and cultural backgrounds.

  1. Ignoring Feedback Channels:

    Establish and promote at least two feedback channels (like surveys and open-door policies). Dedicate 1-2 hours weekly to review and respond to feedback, ensuring team members feel heard and valued.

In conclusion, avoiding these five communication mistakes can significantly enhance a leader's effectiveness.

By actively listening, simplifying messages, paying attention to non-verbal cues, tailoring communication to the audience, and embracing feedback channels, leaders can build stronger, more engaged teams.

Allocating time for listening and feedback, and practicing these skills regularly, can transform leadership communication from a potential weakness into a powerful tool for organizational success.

Until next time,


P.S. When you are ready, here are 2 ways I can help you:

  1. Download my Project MGMT Playbook: This is a must-have resource if you’re a leader looking to enhance your project management skills, and it includes my Top 6 blueprints and frameworks.

  2. Book a 1:1 Career Growth Session: This coaching will benefit anyone aiming to advance their business, leadership, project management, or operations career.